Independent- Christ is the Head of His church and not persons, denominations or boards, Mt:16:15-18, I Cor.10:4, Eph.1:22, Col.1:13-19. We are self governing and associated with like minded churches. (IBFGA.ORG)
Fundamental- Using a literal approach to the scriptures unless obvious metaphor or simile is present. Not allegorical which is imagination interpretation, Jn.17:17,I Tim.4:1-7, II Tim.2:15, 4:1-4,Acts 17:11, II Pe.1:20-21. "Prove all things," I Th. 5:21.
Premillennial- Christ will literally return to the earth in judgement upon the nations and set up His kingdom personally ruling for a thousand years(millennial).Dan.7:13-14, 9:24-27, Ez.37-39, Zech.14:1-21, Mt.25:31-34, Rev.19:11-20:6
KJV- The Bible is our sole rule for faith and practice. It is God's revelation to man, II Tim.3:16-17, II Pe.1:20-21.God promised to preserve His written word, Ps.12:6-7,119:89, Mt.24:35, Lk.21:33. The KJV is translated from the majority text of the Textus Receptus while the modern versions are translated from the minority text or Alexandrian. There are major doctrinal differences between them. We use only the KJV. 
Joyfully Conservative- Separation from the world and it's ways is commanded in both Old and New Testaments, Ex.33:16, Lev.20:26, Jos.23;7,13, Jn. 15:19, Ro.6:20-22, I Cor.6:15-20, II Cor.5:17, 6:14-18, I Pe.1:13-16, I Jn.2:15-17
Traditional Music- Music is also to be separated and different from the world.  We do not use the modern contemporary music which glorifies the flesh rather than God. Ex.32:15-26 (noise, dancing, nakedness), I Cor. 6:19-20,14:15, Eph. 5:18-20, I Th.5:22, Re.14:1-3,15:3
Evangelistic- We believe every "born again"(Jn.3:3-5) believer in Christ is responsible to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and personally give their salvation testimony to others. Mt.28-18-20, Mk.16:15, Acts 1:8, 20:21,
I Cor.15:1-4
Missionary- Missions is the "heartbeat" of God. I Tim.1:15, "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."  Acts 13:1-5 teaches the local church is to commission and financially support missionaries in the Gospel ministry fulfilling Christ's command in Mt. 28:18-20, Mk. 16:15, Acts 1:8.
Baptist-  Holding to the old time Baptist faith of salvation by grace through faith alone in Christ alone  plus nothing and minus nothing,Ro.5:1-2,8-9,11:6, Gal.3:1-11,22-26, Eph.2:8-9, II Tim.1:9, Tit.3:5, Repentance and faith are the conditions to salvation,Acts 2:38, 20:21. Salvation is eternally secured by Christ, Jn.10:27-29, Ro.8:35-39, I Jn.5:10-13. Each believer has access to God directly through Jesus Christ, Jn.14:6,13-14,          I Tim.2:5, Heb.7:25, I Jn. 1:4-2:1 The body of Christ ,the church, is made up of baptized believers who have made a public profession in Christ, Mt.28:18-20, Acts 8:35-39, Ro.6:1-5. The ordinances are Baptism and the Remembrance or Lord's supper, Mt.26:26-29, Lk.22:17-20, I Cor.11:20-28. The ordained offices are the Bishop or Pastor and Deacon, Acts 6:1-6, I Tim. 
3:1-13,Tit.1:4-11. Autonomous or self governing without interference or rule from other churches or the government, Acts.12:1-2,14:23, 20:28, Gal.2:11-14, I Pe.5:1-4, Re.2:1-3:22. Self supporting by tithes and offerings, Gen.14:18-20, 28:20-22,Mal.3:8-10, Lk.6:38,I Cor.16:1-2,II Cor.9:1-15,Gal.3:6-9.